Strangers in the Kingdom: Ministering to Refugees, Migrants and Stateless

Strangers in the Kingdom: Ministering to Refugees, Migrants and Stateless


Book by Brent Hamoud and Rupen Das

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The refugee crisis today is influencing public policy and politics in many countries across the world. It has deeply divided communities, with some being wary of the stranger because of the fear of terrorism, while other have been more hospitable and compassionate.

Strangers in the Kingdom: Refugees, Migrants and the Stateless asks the question as to why does God care for the displaced and those who have been uprooted from their homes and all that is familiar? What are the biblical, theological, and missiological foundations for ministries to those who have been displaced?  While addressing the humanitarian and legal needs of the displaced are the starting point, relief, repatriation, and resettlement programs need to go beyond these and help them find a place where they belong, a place they can call home.